The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

By John W. Whitehead – Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

German Domestic Spy Agency Labels AfD Youth Org As “Extreme Right”, Enabling Mass Surveillance Of All Members

The German spy agency is now allowed to use all intelligence tools to monitor the AfD party youth wing. In addition to the use of so-called confidential informants, this will include telephone tapping and covert observation.

Cass Sunstein: Cognitive Infiltration of “Conspiracy Theory” Movements

Conspiracy theories: Ideas that are more or less true, but which the proles and outer party members are not supposed to discuss or even think about.

German domestic intelligence is running hundreds of fake right-wing extremist social media accounts

The operation involving fake right-wing accounts has become so big that information sharing is necessary so authorities do not target each other.

Canada: Ottawa police officer charged with misconduct for allegedly donating $50 to Freedom Convoy

An Ottawa police officer has been charged with misconduct for allegedly donating money to the Freedom Convoy occupation last February.

‘This Is The Murder Of Due Process’: Alex Jones Speaks Out Against ‘Show Trial’ – PLUS: Watch the very sad press conference of father of murdered Sandy Hook victim

A reminder that when it comes to these big events, it’s best to just keep your mouth shut. Any questions? No? Good.

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