Silicon Valley Bank Crisis: The Liquidity Crunch We Predicted Has Now Begun – Brandon Smith (

Unlike in 2008, the Fed has created a situation in which there is no escape.

“The Impact Has Already Been Catastrophic”: Hedge Fund CIO Says “This Crash, Don’t Look For Central Banks To Save Us”

It’s important to remember that the bursting of a bubble takes a long time to play out. It may feel fast and chaotic at various points in the process, but it isn’t really.

The UN Demands All Central Banks Stop Rate Hikes And Switch To Price Controls Instead

Can you imagine a world where savers get a 4-5% return and banks lend to firms making physical goods, generating decent returns for all? Is this science-fiction possible again? Not if we get a Fed pivot, of course [i.e., if they obey the UN and pause rate hikes]. Then we fire up the everything bubble again instead.

Bank Of England Capitulates: Restarts QE Due To “Significant Dysfunction” In Bond Market, “Material Risk” To Financial Stability – ZeroHedge…PLUS: Flashback to Zimbabwe, the best performing stock market in the world

The bottom line is that this is the beginning of the end for the fiat system which now faces a terminal dilemma: fight inflation and suffer market collapse and economic depression, or push for higher asset prices with runaway (hyper)inflation.

Peter Schiff: Any Fed rate hikes are too little, too late; inflation is unstoppable – PLUS: Peter Schiff was right – watch 2002-2017 interviews predicting housing and market crash, and more

For many years Peter Schiff has accurately criticized the “mistakes” the govt and the privately owned Federal Reserve are making. It would be nice if he would start saying openly that what they’re doing is deliberate.

Taking Gaslighting to New Heights the White House Changes the Definition of “Recession”

You don’t have to worry about that recession anymore. The White House fixed it. And by “fixed it” I mean it just changed the definition of a recession.

Fed to Inflict More Pain on Economy as It Readies Big Rate Hike

After raising rates in June by the most since 1994, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and his colleagues are expected to approve another 75 basis-point hike this week and signal their intention to keep moving higher in the months ahead.

ESG Is a Globalist ‘Scam’ Meant to Usher In ‘One World Government’: James Lindsay – PLUS: FLASHBACK – Blackrock’s former head of sustainable investing called ESG “marketing hype”…”dangerous”

James Lindsay, author of “Race Marxism” and other books challenging woke narratives calls ESG a a tool in the hands of those seeking to impose “one world government.”

MUST READ: Inflation-Deniers Are Finally Admitting They Were Wrong – ZeroHedge

We heard it for the past couple of years – Inflation is merely “transitory.”  We were called “conspiracy theorists” and “doom mongers”. Now comes the time of reckoning. 

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