DAN WOOTTON on Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s crazy Covid-zero policy

Daily Mail Online – 24 January 2022

Last week a fed-up businessman placed an advertisement in New Zealand’s biggest news magazine.

Under the headline, ‘The following countries do not ban their own citizens from returning to their home country,’ it listed a host of nations as diverse as Afghanistan, China, Australia, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.

Under another headline, ‘The following countries effectively ban their own citizens from returning to their home country,’ it listed just one: New Zealand.

It was a rare public riposte to the country’s ‘Be Kind’ superwoke-but-authoritarian Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern whose behaviour becomes crueller and more twisted by the day as she continues on an increasingly desperate quest to keep my homeland a Zero Covid hermit kingdom, just as the highly transmissible Omicron variant begins to spread in the community.

Many Kiwis have become so brainwashed by Ardern’s incessant spin – swallowed whole by a compliant liberal media – that they reacted with a mere shrug when her government at the weekend revealed citizens who are household contacts of anyone who tests positive for Covid will have to self-isolate for a whopping 24 days as part of her ‘stamp it out’ policy approach.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces the country will move into new restrictions in Wellington yesterday
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces the country will move into new restrictions in Wellington yesterday

After just nine confirmed Omicron cases, Ardern then plunged the entire country into red alert, a form of lockdown that bans large gatherings, enforces mask mandates, makes Covid passports compulsory if you want to live normally as part of a ‘two-tier society’, and reintroduces work from home orders.

Ardern even cancelled her long-planned wedding to TV star fiancé Clarke Gayford in the ultimate act of virtue signalling aimed at showing New Zealanders she’s going through the hell of lockdown too.

While most governments have tried to quell public panic over Omicron, given the proven mild nature of the variant, Ardern’s regime has done the opposite.

Parliament’s Speaker Trevor Mallard – an Ardern loyalist from the ruling Labour party – warned panicked citizens to prepare as if they were facing an ‘earthquake’ by stocking up on emergency supplies, which helped spark an inevitable run on toilet paper.

Remember panic buying? While the rest of the world is finally waking up to the need to live with Covid long-term, New Zealand remains trapped in March 2020, with terror and paranoia enveloping a country that was once famous for producing hard men like Everest conqueror Sir Edmund Hillary, fearless rugby giant Jonah Lomu and bunjee jump inventor AJ Hackett.

Rather than preparing for the inevitable over the past two years, socialist Ardern is hamstrung by a creaking health system with less than 200 intensive care beds to service five million citizens.

Perversely, she has banned international doctors and nurses from travelling to New Zealand – even Kiwi ones wanting to return home to work – meaning there are chronic staff and resource shortages.

And while Ardern will never admit it publicly, she’s gripped with the terror that her decision to pursue a Zero Covid policy long-term is unravelling.

New Zealand has virtually no natural immunity, making the country far more vulnerable to Omicron than other countries.

Meanwhile, Kiwis have bought into Ardern’s message that eliminating the virus is not only desirable but possible.

Even a 90 per cent vaccinated country is not enough to reassure most Kiwis who have been manipulated by Ardern into believing that Covid is some sort of black plague that leaders like Boris Johnson have allowed to run rampant, to hell with the consequences.

Ardern’s myopic response to the coronavirus pandemic has personally impacted me deeply.

I am a proud dual citizen of Britain and New Zealand.

My mum was born in Essex and my dad, whose parents were Geordies, was born on a British army base in Malta.

They emigrated Down Under in the years after World War Two as so-called ‘ten-pound poms’; I was born in New Zealand but moved to London when I was 21, where I have lived ever since.

I have always had a strong sense of pride about my dual nationalities and both the UK and New Zealand felt equally like home…until Covid struck and New Zealand slammed shut its borders, with even Kiwis holding passports banned from the country.

And why does this matter, you might ask?

My family members are alive and well – and New Zealand has just 52 deaths from Covid?

It matters because such a policy approach never ends.

Of course, for the first few months, I reluctantly accepted Ardern’s Chinese-inspired hardline approach, which kept Covid out of the country before much was known about the virus.

But two years on, and with Kiwis being jabbed for a third time, I remain separated from my beloved mum, dad and sister who, alongside my partner, are the most important people in my life by some distance.

Finally, the world is waking up to the insanity of the New Zealand approach as Ardern’s policies become increasingly draconian.

Keeping passport holders like me out of the country is also illegal, given the country’s Immigration Act guarantees that ‘every New Zealand citizen has, by virtue of his or her citizenship, the right to enter and be in New Zealand at any time’.

Instead, Ardern has instituted a sick Squid Game-like national lottery that dictates whether we can return home at all.

Each month, around 50,000 desperate Kiwis – many trapped overseas in countries where their visa has run out or desperate to see sick relatives – have been forced to sign up online to enter a waiting room where they are placed in a virtual queue.

Only around 1,500 ‘winners’ a month gain tickets.

And that’s just the start of it. Once you ‘win’ the lottery, you have to pay for an exorbitantly expensive flight and then about £1,500 to spend 14 days in government run hotel quarantine, where the army has been sent in to ensure no one absconds.

One of the facilities in my hometown of Wellington has failed to meet the standards required in the United Nations Convention on the Crimes Against Torture, which is enshrined in New Zealand law, according to the country’s Chief Ombudsman. Detainees are only allowed out of their room for just one hour a day in an underground car park.

It’s worse than prison. For folk who simply want to visit their family members.

Read more at Daily Mail Online

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